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NärMare is an artistic experience space for all the senses created for children and young people with disabilities and their families. It is also aimed at adapted schools, especially those students who study subject areas.

The theme is the scrap of the sea and treasures that have inspired sensory installations created from recycled materials in wood, metal and textiles.
NärMare carries a visual story where the participants become co-creators of a narrative without a linear narrative and get to explore the room in its
own pace and based on their circumstances. A place to just be in an artistic experience without demands to perform, understand or deliver.

Through the sensory appeal, the interactive installations, materials and objects can be experienced together on equal terms.

"A goldmine for our children, for sure"
"It's not always easy to take our little ones on adventures but this was perfect. More like this!"
"I thought the people running it were great and good with the kids"
"Good for mom and dad to dare too. We're bad at getting out because it's a bit messy, but we'll work on it a bit more"
"Thank you for doing this! It's the first time we as a family have come out to something and felt welcomed and able to be ourselves." / Parents who visited the room.

"I think this is great, our students always have to adapt to society in all other situations. The fact that there are these customized experiences is priceless!" / Teachers who visited NärMare

Here's how it works:
The room can accommodate a maximum of 8 people including accompanying family members or assistants/educators. Maximum 4 wheelchairs.
The visit is booked in advance and each visit lasts 45 minutes for families and 30 minutes for schools. During that time, visitors can come and go as they
We recommend that adults and children experience the room together. A drama teacher from Folkteatern is present to accompany visitors if needed, together with an educator from Västerbottensteatern.

All appointments are booked via Albin Avander at albin.avander@vasterbottensteatern.se

The times on Thursday and Friday are intended for classes and schools.
The times on Saturday and Sunday are public "performances" and can be booked by individuals.

Saturday hours:

Sunday hours:

November 7 - November 10, stage 5, Sara Cultural Center

Duration: 30-45 min

PRICE: Free entrance, but booking required.

There are "castles" to book between 9-15 on Thursday & Friday (for schools) and between about 10-16 on Saturday and Sunday (public). Both school and public performances are booked with Albin Avander at albin.avander@vasterbottensteatern.se

Organizer: Västerbottensteatern in collaboration with Folkteatern Gävleborg and Scen:se.