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Föreställningen Catastrophe med Ilka Hautala är en blandning av katastrofala myter, historiska händelser och personliga berättelser och har ett starkt komiskt perspektiv.  

The performance is a conversation between the performer and his subconscious mind through a cassette player. The theme of the performance is about the weaknesses in human character in comparison with the catastrophes we are witnessing around and between us.

The audience will be presented with some choices throughout the play on what they will hear and see in the performance. The performance is a mix of catastrophical myths, historical events and personal stories and has a strong comic perspective, though it can get also quite serious.”

Catastrophe was made for the Fringe festival in Lahti, in Finland last autumn, and after that I have toured with it in Helsinki, Tampere and Tallinn. I will be attending a national monologue competition in Oulu and soon I’ll start touring with it in other Nordic Fringe festivals.

Sopplunch. Pris: 240 kr inkl soppa.
Kom gärna i god tid – servering från kl 11.3o.

Fredag 16 oktober kl 12.00 – 13.00
Pris: 240 kr inkl soppa
Plats: Västerbottensteatern

En del av Berättarfestivalen.
Arrangör: Nordiskt Berättarcentrum, en del av Västerbottensteatern.

Fredag 16 oktober kl 12.00 – 13.00
Pris: 240 kr inkl soppa
Plats: Västerbottensteatern

En del av Berättarfestivalen

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