Guh lejmeh sámieh / When we were Sami
Dájđđárij dåhkkie / Artistic team
Dåjmatiebmie/Direction: Johanna Sandström Lehto
Giähtatjállage/Script: Tora von Platen after the graphic novel by Mats Jonsson
Siädnaürdneme/Scenography: Lotta Nilsson
Gárvvuohäbmeme/Costume design: Anna-Stina Svakko and Lotta Nilsson
Komposisjuvdna jah jiädnahäbmeme/Composition and sound design: Katarina Barruk and Arnljot Nordvik
Musïjkan mastatiebmie jah buakttuo/Mixing and mastering on composition: Nils Johansson
Tjuavggahásatiebmie/ Lighting design: Maja Lindström
Máskah jah luovasvuobdh/Mask & wig design: Sofia Långdahl
Ubmejesámien jårggaliebmie/ Translation in Umea Sami: Henrik Barruk
Ubmejesámien jårggaliebmie/Umesami language coach & translator of communication materials into Umesami:
Sara-Hélen Persson
Åvdástallijeh/Actors: Andreas Anterot, Annika Nordin, Paul Ol Jona Utsi, Malin Vispe, Anna Åsdell
Manufacturing and technology
Sound: Oskar Bergkvist
Sound engineer: Jesper Johansson
Lighting technician: Catherine Crépault Wibe
Video design: Kin Isaksson
Decor painter: Catarina Berglind
Prop maker & props designer: Nina Muhonen Marklund
Costume designer: Ulrica Marklund, Terese Larsson
Upholsterer: Helena Steisel
Stage manager, carpenter: Petter Ögren, Niclas Andersson
Carpenter: Jonas Åberg
Gift/Poster photo: Lisalove Bäckman
Gift/press photo: Patrick Degerman
Teaterenåejvie/Theater Manager/Theater Manager Åarjelhsaemien teatere: Kristin Solberg
Artistic Director Västerbottensteatern: Johanna Salander
CEO Västerbottensteatern/ Publisher: Challa Gustavsson
Thank you to all the other staff who worked to make this show possible!
Produced by Västerbottensteatern in collaboration with Åarjelhsaemien teatere/Sydsamiska teatern, Mo i Rana.
Produced in collaboration with Åarjelhsaemien teatere AS/Sydsamiska teatern in Mo i Rana, Norway.
The show is produced with the support of:
Tue 22/10 19:00 Vyöddale/Vindeln. Read more>>
on 23/10 19:00 Lïkssjuo/Lycksele. Read more>>
on 24/10 18:00 Kraapohke/Dorotea. Read more>>
Tue 29/10 19:00 Sjädtavaellie/Sundsvall. Read more>>
on 30/10 19:00 Sjädtavaellie/Sundsvall. Read more>>
Thu 31/10 19:00 Sjädtavaellie/Sundsvall. Read more>>
Tue 5/11 19:00 Ubmeje/Umeå. Read more>>
on 6/11 19:00 Ubmeje/Umeå. Read more>>
Thu 7/11 19:00 Ubmeje/Umeå. Read more>>
on 13/11 19:00 Buvvda/Bådåddjo/Bodø Read more>>
Fri 15/11 17:00 Måhvie, Ránan måhkkie/Mo i Rana Read more>>
Sun 17/11 18:00 Snåase/Snåsa Read more>>
Thu 21/11 19:00 Árviesjávrrie/Arvidsjaur. Read more>>
Fri 22/11 19:00 Julevu/Luleå. Read more>>
Sat 23/11 19:00 Nuoráne/Norsjö. Read more>>
on 27/11 19:00 Orrestaare/Örnsköldsvik. Read more>>
Thu 28/11 19:00 Staare/Östersund. Read more>>
Fri 29/11 19:00 Ramsele. Read more>>
Sat 30/11 19:00 Kramfors. Read more>>
on 11/12 18:00 Kraapohke/Dorotea Read more>>
Fri 13/12 19:00 Máláge/Malå. Read more>>
on 18/12 19:00 Giron/Kiruna. Read more>>
PRESS CLIP Norran: "Västerbottensteatern offers what may be the cultural achievement of the year and the foremost public education effort."
"The humor is constantly present. It's lucky, because it's not a cheerful story and without the laughter we would probably be crushed."
"Everyone excels, but I would like to give an extra star to Anna Åsdell, who shows breadth and also offers a beautiful joke. It also turns out to be very humorous."
"I think theater, art, is at its best when it opens our eyes and teaches us something about ourselves. Here it happens in two acts and if you ask me, you are obliged to experience them. In the name of popular education if nothing else." - Per Strömbro, Norran
PRESS CLIP Dagens Nyheter:"It is a light-hearted but serious confrontation with the von oben perspective on the Sami."
"Tora von Platen's smart dramatization, and Johanna Sandström Lehto's sensitive direction, both capture and reinforce the tone of the original." "The ensemble constantly switches roles with each other, alternating between Swedish and Ume Sami, with impressive skill" "Mats Jonsson's genealogy resulted in a sad and furious folk education project, and has now become a reverent but entertaining stage performance." - Jacob Lundström, DN
PRESS CLIP Västerbottens-Kuriren: "The gaps in knowledge are still large and with "When we were Sami" Västerbottensteatern picks up the baton from Mats Jonsson and makes a public education effort of rank...
The whole is a well-oiled scenic fire torch that shows why Sami history is a concern for so many more than Mats Jonsson and his family." – VK
PRESS CUT Sundsvalls Tidning: "It's light-hearted, funny, self-deprecating and sometimes gently irreverent; it's history lessons mixed with beautiful human portraits."
"It is lively and captivating and one wishes that young people in particular would get to experience history in this way."
"Mats Jonsson is a voice with his own sound - a coup for Sápmi."
"Has changed my life" - emotional premiere for Mats Jonsson - Tidningen Ångermanland 20241015
First time Ume Sami is spoken on stage: "I feel excited " TV feature from SVT Sápmi interviewing Mats Jonsson before the premiere. 20241011
Anna Åsdell: Great fun and difficult at the same time. Report with actors Anna Åsdell and Andreas Anterot in Sameradion 20241010
Mats Jonsson quietly excited before the premiere. Report with Mats Jonsson before the premiere in Sameradion 20241010
"When we were Sami" - premiere for Ume Sami on stage . Report in Kulturnytt SR with director Johanna Sandström Lehto 20241008.
Read the program leaflet here! >>
Time & place
Playing in Skellefteå and on tour
Ordinary: 355kr
Young (up to 26 years)/student: 215kr
The performance languages are Swedish and Ume Sami. Subtitles in Swedish in the scenography. Subtitles in Swedish and English in the mobile app at selected performances.
Wheelchair spaces - Available in the front row
Audio description - Thursday, October 17 at 19:00
Hearing loops - Portable hearing loops available to borrow at the entrance
Length of performance
Duration: 2 h 30 min
Production of
Produced in collaboration with Åarjelhsaemien teatere AS/Sydsamiska teatern in Mo i Rana, Norway.