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The story of Zoki 

A playful story time for children and adults.

Elephants Zoki lives alone in the jungle and bounces carefree through life. One day he comes across the terrible Aran who claims that Zoki is different - not like everyone else. That Zoki is a gray, ugly and boring "hangman-andhanger-on". How do you avoid being one, or does everyone have to be the same to fit in? In the jungle Zoki the answer to his question!


Storyteller: Theresa Eriksson, drama teacher at the Nordic Storytelling Center

The Children's Culture Day takes place in collaboration with the Culture Unit, Skellefteå municipality.
The full program for the day is presented continuously at: www.skelleftea.se/kultur

October 1, 10:30-11:30 and 13:00-14:00
Free admission, but ticket required.
Ages: 4-7 years in the company of an adult. Maximum 20 children and adults at each story time.
Duration: 60 min
Location: Stage 3, Sara Cultural Center

The Children's Culture Day takes place in collaboration with the Culture Unit, Skellefteå municipality.
The full program for the day is presented continuously at: www.skelleftea.se/kultur