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Två kvinnor i samtal under en workshop

Book storytelling!

What resources can Västerbottensteatern offer in storytelling?

Västerbottensteatern works to develop the art of storytelling in the Nordic arena. Part of this is to initiate projects and to offer various activities and training for the industry, schools and the general public. We target local organizers such as schools, study associations, associations, businesses and other organizations.

Here we present current activities. These can then be customized for specific needs. Please contact us for more information on arrangements and prices.

Already booked public events can be found on the homepage.


Activities we can offer

Life stories - workshop in the Vindeln Storytelling Community of the Year

Bokningsbara workshops

Life stories

Developing personal life stories

Life stories
Laughing children of early school age


School programs

Developmental and fun activities for both students and teachers

School programs

Inspiration för nybörjargrupp

Start telling your story

Storytelling workshop for adults

Start telling your story
Women in conversation

Boka till personalgruppen

Human resources development

Developing the group with storytelling

Human resources development
Storytelling for children in the Story Tent

För barn från 3 år

The fairytale tent

A fairy tale in an atmospheric story tent

The fairytale tent