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Musicians' exit - open rehearsals

Watch the rehearsals for the world premiere of the Musicians' Exit.

On November 17, the world premiere of Musikanternas uttåg takes place in Sara Kulturhus. It will be a grand musical theater party with spectacular stage solutions, Västerbotten storytelling and a 13-person strong singing and musical ensemble.

Musikanternas uttåg is an epic of Skelleftebygden, by one of Västerbotten's great writers, PO Enquist. With his unique tone filled with humor, compassion and brutal honesty, PO Enquist depicts a handful of colorful human destinies and at the same time a crucial stage in Swedish history.

During the Storytelling Festival, it is possible to follow the work during a number of open rehearsals.

Free admission, but ticket required.
Tickets from Sept. 1.

Take your seat before the start of the rehearsal, no drop-in and possibility to come and go during rehearsal. Thank you for respecting this!
Wednesday's open rehearsals are pre-booked by group, not bookable.

Organizer: Nordic Storytelling Centre/Västerbottensteatern.