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How are broken books repaired and can mold-damaged paper be saved? We'll show you everything from how a new book is bound and broken old maps are repaired and saved for posterity, to how gold letters are embossed on book spines.

Nordanå contains a unique artisanal bookbindery since the mid-1980s, which serves both its own archival activities and other customers, such as municipalities and private individuals. Take the opportunity to make a unique visit and feel free to bring your broken book for assessment and cost estimates.

Participants: Bookbinders Greger Wiklund, Carina Engström and apprentice Ada Nilsson.
Free admission, drop in at the workshop.




Free admission, drop in at the activity room.

Location: Folkrörelsearkivet i Västerbotten, Nordanå

Organizer: Folkrörelsearkivet i Västerbotten, Nordanå.

Part of the Storytelling Festival.