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Group bookings: Västerbottensteatern 0910 - 71 56 10

Ticket hosts: 0910-73 60 00

Visiting address

Sara cultural center
Kanalgatan 43b, 931 31 Skellefteå

Postal address/Delivery address

Sara cultural center
Torggatan 7, 931 29 Skellefteå

Switchboard: 0910 - 71 56 00
E-mail: info@vasterbottensteatern.se
Email the staff: förnamn.efternamn@vasterbottensteatern.se

Organisationsnummer: 5562 14-5184


Sara cultural center
Torggatan 7, 931 29 Skellefteå

E-Invoice can be received with organization number 556214-5184
Invoices in PDF format should be sent to faktura@vasterbottensteatern.se